This animated series will release on Netflix on November 18th and features the voice work of Haley Joel Osment, Sarah Chalke, Kimiko Glenn and Chris Parnell. It’s a wacky, fun series follow a group of genetically enhanced dogs that are sent across the universe in search of a new home for the human race. Here’s our first look.
In the not-so-distant future, genetically enhanced dogs are sent across the universe in search of a new home for the human race. It’s a giant cosmic game of fetch, as the canines seek a planet that will save humanity and – more importantly – let them return to their beloved owners. This animated adventure-comedy series is created by Jeremiah Cortez, who is Executive Producer alongside Adam Henry. The series is produced in partnership with Atomic Cartoons.
Premiere Date: November 18, 2021
Episodes: 10 x ~19 mins
Format: 2D Animation
Genre: Animated Comedy
Creator: Jeremiah Cortez
Co-showrunners: Jeremiah Cortez and Adam Henry
Executive Producers: Jeremiah Cortez, Adam Henry and Atomic Cartoons’ Jennifer Twiner McCarron, Matthew Berkowitz and Kristin Cummings
Voice Cast: Haley Joel Osment as Garbage, Sarah Chalke as Stella, Kimiko Glenn as Nomi, Chris Parnell as Ed, David Lopez as Chonies, William Jackson Harper as Loaf and JP Karliak as Happy
Creator Bio:
Jeremiah Cortez was born in West Covina, California. His favorite pastime was watching cartoons and drawing on a stack of printer paper with crayons. This is where a young Jeremiah first dreamt of creating cartoons himself. After high school, he enrolled in Mount San Antonio before applying to Laguna College of Art and Design. He graduated with a degree in animation. During his senior year of college, he came up with a story about an astronaut dog having random adventures. Through the demand for more story from peers and family, Jeremiah knew this was something he could pitch. While spending the next two years working at Starbucks and at a factory driving a forklift, he wrote a pitch-bible, a pilot script, drew character designs, created animatics, and animated clips, and had the theme song produced with a high school friend, Raymond Giron; who’s song is the official opening theme of Jeremiah’s upcoming Netflix series Dogs in Space. Jeremiah ultimately landed a pitch meeting with Netflix and a couple of months later the show was bought. Jeremiah soon after met Adam Henry, the co-showrunner and executive producer of Dogs in Space, and along with all the amazing talent that came onto the show, they created something unique.
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