Introducing new heroes and villains to the LEGO Star Wars universe, the animated television series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures will premiere Monday June 20th (10:00am EDT), on Disney XD. Set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the action comedy series follows the Freemakers, a family of sibling scavengers who operate a salvage and repair shop in space. The series will also feature familiar characters and locations from the filmed Star Wars saga.
Rowan Freemaker, the spunky Force-sensitive 12-year-old with a thirst for adventure, is voiced by newcomer Nicolas Cantu. His quick-witted older sister, Kordi, voiced by Vanessa Lengies (“Glee”), manages the family business and is the glue that holds the family together. Ace pilot and charming rogue Zander, voiced by Eugene Byrd (“Arrow”), is the oldest brother and the family’s self-proclaimed starship connoisseur. Lucasfilm’s Matthew Wood voices R0-GR, also known as Roger, a refurbished battle droid from the Clone Wars adopted by the Freemaker family.
Fans will get a sneak peek at the series during a special live-stream LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Battle of the Bricks event, on Saturday, June 11th (8:00 p.m. EDT). Presented by Disney XD, YouTube stars (EvanTubeRaw, Parker Games, 101 Dark Monkey, ZexyZek ) and LEGO enthusiasts will gather in teams to determine the galaxy’s BRICK BUILDING CHAMPION. Instagram celebrity, Zach King will host, and a panel of LEGO Master Builders will judge the showdown.
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