Paramount’s Sonic The Hedgehog is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega – the one that centers on an infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the (mis)adventures of Sonic as he navigates the complexities of life on Earth with his newfound – human – best friend Tom Wachowski (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom join forces to try and stop the villainous Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) from capturing Sonic and using his immense powers for world domination. The film also stars Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic. It was directed by Jeff Fowler (former director at Blur Studios) and opens November 8th. Here’s the trailer:
SYNOPSIS: A cop (James Marsden) in the rural town of Green Hills will help Sonic escape from the government who is looking to capture him.
A shot of Jim Carrey in full Robotnik mode:
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