Stephen Hillenberg, the creator of Nickelodeon’s Spongebob Squarepants passed away yesterday, November 26th, from complications from ALS. To say he was one of the nicest guys in animation would be an understatement. He will be sorely missed. He was not only a cartoonist and animator, but a marine biologist and teacher as well. Born in […]
Posts Tagged ‘Stephen Hillenberg’

Baxter, Hillenberg, Tilby and Forbis win McCay Award for Lifetime Achievement

ASIFA-Hollywood has announced this year’s slate of recipients for its Juried Awards honoring career achievement and exceptional contributions to animation. The Juried award recipients will be honored at the 45th Annie Awards set for Saturday, February 3, 2018 at UCLA’s Royce Hall. The Winsor McCay Award for career contributions to the art of animation are […]