The Pokémon have been with us since 1996, long enough to have entertained a couple of generations of fans. The mythical beasties have a history in video games, anime, TV series, manga, and, importantly, feature films. None of them, however, have been quite like Detective Pikachu. The film is based on the Nintendo adventure game […]
Posts Tagged ‘Pokemon’

Anime Review: “Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us”

Although Pokémon is no longer the craze bordering on mania it was 20 years ago, the property remains extremely popular. The TV series, which runs to more than 800 episodes, enjoys a worldwide audience on TV, streaming services and discs; YouTube lists more than 100,000,000 Pokémon films. Pokémon merchandise is ubiquitous, and on a typical […]

TRAILER: “Detective Pikachu”

Here’s our first look at Legendary Entertainment’s live-action/animation hybrid Detective Pikachu with Ryan Reynolds voicing the lead role. The film is based on the video game of the same name, written (with Nicole Perlman) and directed by Rob Letterman (Shark Tale) and is set for release via Warner Bros. on May 10th, 2019.

Fathon Events to Screen “Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!” Nov. 5th and 6th

The prelude story of Ash and Pikachu’s iconic friendship topped the box office charts in its opening weekend where the Pokémon franchise first began – in Japan last summer. Now, The Pokémon Company International and Fathom Events are bringing the new animated feature film Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! to US movie theaters on […]