There is Peace on Earth in the 1941 MGM cartoon short The Night Before Christmas. Well, if not on Earth, then at least in the world of Tom & Jerry. While the pair do their share of sparring in this Christmas-themed short, there is a moment of truce between the two, adding a break from […]
Posts Tagged ‘MGM Cartoons’

Both Creatures Were Stirring: The 80th Anniversary of Tom & Jerry’s “The Night Before Christmas”

Thank God It’s Friday…the 13th: “Bad Luck Blackie”

Forget about a slasher in a hockey mask running amuck through a summer camp, the most impactful icon of the superstitions connected with Friday the 13th might just be a cute little kitten. In Bad Luck Blackie, the classic MGM cartoon from 1949, a kitten is befriended by the titular black cat, creating bad luck […]