Sony Pictures Animation is in development on a feature project, tentatively titled K-Pop: Demon Hunters, from directors Maggie Kang (The Lego Ninjago Movie) and Chris Appelhans (Wish Dragon) and Academy Award-winning producer Aron Warner (Shrek, Wish Dragon). The film is described as a musical action adventure that follows the story of a world-renowned K-Pop girl group, as they balance their lives in the spotlight with their secret identities as bad-ass demon hunters, set against a colorful backdrop of fashion, food, style and the most popular music movement of this generation.
The story is inspired by director Kang’s culture, and pays homage to her Korean pride and the K-Pop she grew up listening to. Music will play an integral role in the storytelling of the film. Joining the artistic leadership of the film are production designer Mingjue Helen Chen (“Raya and the Last Dragon,” “Big Hero 6”) and art director Ami Thompson (“Raya and the Last Dragon,” “Ralph Breaks the Internet”).
“I’ve always wanted to do a film about the power of music – to unite, bring joy, build community,” says co-director Chris Appelhans. “K-Pop is the greatest embodiment of this in our lifetime, and we’re really excited to honor and showcase that through the lens of animation.” says
Co-director Maggie Kang adds, “Having been a fan of the genre since its beginnings in the ’90s, this film is my love letter to K-Pop and my Korean roots. It encompasses and celebrates everything K-Pop is – it’s the film I would want to see as a lifelong fan and I hope the millions of K-Pop fans out there in the world will feel the same.”
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