In collaboration with Maxwell DeMille, Puppetoon Productions is set to host a specialized presentation of George Pal’s The Time Machine (1960) as well as three beautifully restored “Puppetoons”. George Pal’s Puppetoons (also known as “Madcap Models”) were a series of stop-motion puppet films made between 1932 and 1947. This exclusive cinematic event is scheduled to take place at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, located at 8556 Wilshire Blvd, with showings happening at 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
The selection of Puppetoons will be shown in their original Technicolor® brilliance, presenting audience members a special opportunity to witness the true artistic genius of creator George Pal. These shorts have enchanted viewers of all ages, and attendees of the upcoming event will certainly experience that familiar magic. The Time Machine (1960) is often regarded as one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made, and this exclusive screening offers a rare opportunity to experience the film as it was when it was first released.
Both screenings will feature Arnold Leibovit, the director and producer of The Puppetoon Movie and The Time Machine (2002). Leibovit, whose role of preserving Pal’s work has been significant, will share anecdotes and insights from behind the scenes and more.”Restoring George Pal’s ‘Puppetoons’ to their original Technicolor brilliance has been a rewarding experience, and I’m excited to share these films with both new audiences and longtime fans,” expressed Leibovit. At the matinee, animation historian, author, and former ASIFA President, Jerry Beck, will join Arnold Leibovit to discuss the Puppetoons and George Pal’s remarkable legacy.
Tickets for this special screening are available now. Visit to purchase tickets.
Producer-director Arnold Leibovit has been committed to preserving and displaying George Pal’s innovative works for decades. Leibovit, who was friends with Pal, has been a lifelong steward of his legacy and is the recipient of the Saturn George Pal Memorial Award, the Rondo Award, the CINE Golden Eagle, and the Film Advisory Award.
As the author of numerous books on animation, a consulting producer for Warner Bros.’ classic animation unit, and a teacher of animation history at CalArts and UCLA, Beck has made significant contributions to the field of Animation.
Master of Ceremonies Maxwell DeMille is a producer known for his commitment to reviving the elegance and craftsmanship of Hollywood’s classic era. His events are enjoyed and known for their authenticity and ability to convey the Golden Age of Cinema.
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