The idea for this animated film originated in DC’s Adventure Comics #239 with the origin of the Legion of Super-Pets. The hallowed lineup that faced off against the deadly brain-globes were: Krypto the Super Dog, Streaky the Super Cat, Beppo the Super Monkey, and Comet the Super Horse. Proty II would join the party later. (Apparently, the local animal shelter on Krypton had a spare spaceship they borrowed from Jor-El).
Fast-forward sixty years into the future to the Warner Brothers animated film DC League of Super-Pets. Only Krypto, Superman’s loyal pet, is represented. The other S-Ps have been replaced, bringing with them not one shred of originality or imagination. DC has an excellent track record of producing good to excellent material for animated shows, from the art-deco wonder of Batman: The Animated Series to the peppy fun of DC Super Hero Girls and two popular incarnations of the Teen Titans. So how did a movie like Super-Pets go so miserably wrong?