Stop-motion animation directing icon Henry Selick (of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “James and the Giant Peach”) is back with his first new feature since 2009’s “Coraline”. A teen girl meets demon brothers in Wendell & Wild, co-written by Selick and Jordan Peele. It opens in select theaters this Friday Oct. 21st and is on Netflix Oct. 28th. Selick is quite proud of the picture, and he shares some behind the scenes details about the look, the feel… and the reunion of Key & Peele. Plus, he’s got a spooktacular “Nightmare” story. (This Animation Scoop Q&A was edited for length and clarity.)
Jackson Murphy: What were you really able to do on this movie that you maybe wanted to do on some of your older films, but the technology just wasn’t there at the time?
Henry Selick: Not so much development and technology. More story — taking chances on the look of characters [and] going into dangerous territory. Playing around with some serious subjects but also mixing in more interesting types of humor by working with Key & Peele. So maybe it’s not so much about technological breakthroughs as it was about story and tone breakthroughs.