Aqua Teen Hunger Force aired its series finale in the summer of 2015. For creators Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro, that could’ve meant the end of these iconic characters. But a phone call from WB early on in the COVID pandemic changed everything. Willis and Maiellaro serve as directors on the new feature-length Adult Swim movie Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm. It’s available on blu-ray, digital and 4K this Tuesday November 8th. They join me for an entertaining chat about the timely and funny film. (This Animation Scoop Q&A was edited for length and clarity.)
Jackson Murphy: Dave, it’s been seven years since the series ended. Why do you think now was the time to bring back these characters with this film?
Dave Willis: Global pandemic… and we got a phone call. (laughs) We enjoyed doing the show. When the show went off the air we were… both burned out. It was maybe nice to put it in mothballs. But animated shows, man, they’re like zombies. They keep coming back. Matt and I just click. We get together and make each other laugh. It was a no-brainer. They called us and said, “Do you wanna make a movie?” And we were like, “Absolutely. Let’s do it!” And we did it.