Looking for the perfect introduction for your kids or grandkids into the Star Wars universe? LucasFilm has you covered with the brand new family friendly animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It premieres tomorrow, May the 4th, at 9am on Disney Junior, with episodes also available to stream on Disney+. Joining me for this Animation Scoop Q&A are show masters James Waugh (executive producer) and Michael Olson (EP and showrunner). This interview was edited for length and clarity.
Jackson Murphy: James, in getting inside the heads of children who are going to get into Star Wars, did it bring you back to when you were a kid and when you got into the world of Star Wars?
James Waugh: I was pleasantly surprised with how much it did. Some of the magic of Star Wars, for me, are those early memories — of seeing it in theaters for the first time and being blown away by the sounds and flashes of lightsabers. And being able to go home and play with toys and bring that world to life myself and continue the adventures. It was special. And part of that wonder is… look, Star Wars is for everybody but there’s a certain wonder when you’re a kid and you’re diving into the imaginative space that is the galaxy.