Emmy-winner Robin Budd (director of the Beetlejuice animated series and Disney’s 2002 Peter Pan sequel Return to Never Land) presents a new animated short film that recently premiered at Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival. Budd gives me the 411 on the Nelvana Produced Jelly in this Animation Scoop Q&A. (This interview was edited for length and clarity.)
Jackson Murphy: Molly is unhappy with her job. She’s inspired to take chances and enjoy her life and be a rebel. Where did [your] inspiration for “Jelly” come from?
Robin Budd: Well… (laughs) the actual inspiration came when I was cleaning out a bathtub drain. I was pulling out all this guck and hair, and it was disgusting. As I pulled it out I thought, “What if this stuff I pulled out became a monster?” I’ve always loved monsters who are a surprise… in that they’re sympathetic characters. In this case, it grew into, “What if this ugly-looking monster was quite beautiful inside and had insight into Molly’s personality?” Developed the character with setting-up a structure where she was very unhappy with her job. She was doing repetitive work that was just a pale imitation of what she’s capable of. She was trapped in this pattern. For me, that’s being trapped in rigid thinking. It’s repetitive. It’s not creative. The opposite of that would be fluid and expressive and unbridled thought and creativity. And that’s what I wanted for her. Jelly is Molly. Each of us has that voice inside that wants us to break free and be expressive… be ourselves.