Nickelodeon has ordered a new original animated series, Middlemost Post (working title), which combines quirky characters with hilarious adventures and unwavering friendship. Created and co-executive produced by John Trabbic III (SpongeBob SquarePants, storyboard director), the 20-episode 2D-animated series follows a former rain cloud, a brawny mailman and their magical pet walrus as they deliver packages to the unusual inhabitants of Mount Middlemost. Middlemost Post is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio in Burbank, with Dave Johnson serving as co-executive producer and story editor. Additional casting news and premiere date will be announced in the coming months.
“Middlemost Post captures everything we look for in a new series–an imaginative and truly unique world, lovable characters who care deeply about each other and big comedic moments to drive the story,” said Ramsey Naito, Executive Vice President, Nickelodeon Animation. “The series is created by our very own John Trabbic, with writing partner Dave Johnson, and we can’t wait to bring to life the characters and places in this artist-driven series for our global audience.”
In Middlemost Post, Parker J. Cloud, an exuberant raincloud, lives and works in the Middlemost Post Office with Angus, a burly, rule-abiding mailman who cherishes his solitude and values efficiency, and Russell, their magical pet walrus whose stomach is so big that it doubles as a storage room. Together they journey through Mount Middlemost and the six territories of Somewhere to deliver the mail, while meeting some exceptionally quirky and peculiar people along the way. But as this loving and unconventional trio grows closer, they remain blissfully unaware that they have been brought together by one fateful stormy event.
Today’s Middlemost Post greenlight comes on the heels of recent announcements for Big Nate, Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years, and a second season of The Casagrandes. The original series exemplifies Nickelodeon’s commitment to bringing fresh innovative content to kids and families around the world.
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