Ollie, his two best friends and an otherworldly backpack embark on monstrous adventures with the premiere of Nickelodeon’s original action-comedy series, Ollie’s Pack, in April. Produced by Nelvana, the 26-episode, 2D-animated series combines the struggles of tween life with the responsibility of controlling an entire dimension of monsters. The series is slated to debut internationally later this year, reaching over 170 countries and territories.
Ollie’s Pack follows Ollie and his backpack, which doubles as a powerful portal allowing an array of monsters to travel from the monsterverse into Ollie’s world on Earth. Throughout the series, Ollie and his two best friends must protect the earth from the horrifying monsters that have escaped, while often utilizing the helpful monsters who assist with their everyday tween problems, like sneaking into a movie or winning their school’s Battle of the Bands contest. No matter the circumstances, Ollie’s thirst for adventure undoubtedly gets him into trouble that only he and his friends can resolve.
The series stars James Harnett (Cupcake & Dino) as Ollie, an ordinary, impulsive, and creative kid who has been given the status of Chosen One and Keeper of the Pack; Ana Sani (Mysticons) as Cleo, the brave and adventurous comic relief; and David Berni (Rocket Monkeys) as Bernie, the nervy and logical voice of reason. Along the way, audiences will be introduced to some larger than life monsters including Andre and Bev, a bounty hunting double act; Major Snooch, a high ranking official in the Ministry of Chosen One Affairs; and Rance, a weaselly petty thief in utter denial about his boldfaced stealing.
The series originated from “Monster Pack,” an original short made for Nickelodeon’s 2013 Animated Shorts Program. Creators Pedro Eboli (Cupcake & Dino) and Graham Peterson (Rick & Morty) met at the Vancouver Film School and have now been friends for over 10 years. Pedro is a creator, producer, director and animator from Rio de Janeiro, while Graham is an animation supervisor and instructor at local and overseas studios.
Here’s an exclusive sneak peek clip:
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