GKIDS, the acclaimed distributor of multiple Academy Award-nominated animated features, has announced the voice cast of the upcoming English language dub for legendary animation house Studio Ghibli’s latest feature Earwig and The Witch. The film is directed by Goro Miyazaki (From Up on Poppy Hill, Tales from Earthsea) and produced by studio co-founder Toshio Suzuki, with planning on the feature from his father, Academy Award-winner Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro). Based on the children’s novel “Earwig and the Witch” by Diana Wynne Jones (“Howl’s Moving Castle”), the film marks Studio Ghibli’s first entirely 3D CG animated feature. An official selection for the 2020 Cannes Film Festival, the film is slated to air on NHK in Japan December 30, 2020. GKIDS will release the film in North America in early 2021, and will qualify the film for awards consideration.
The upcoming English language dub film will feature the voices of Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Gosford Park), Kacey Musgraves (“Golden Hour” “Same Trailer Different Park”) and Dan Stevens (Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, FX’s Legion), as well as Taylor Paige Henderson as “Earwig”. In addition to her debut voice acting role as “Earwig’s Mother,” six-time Grammy Award winner Kacey Musgraves will also record the English language version of the film’s theme song, “Don’t Disturb Me.”
English Voice Cast in Order of Appearance
Earwig’s Mother – Kacey Musgraves
Matron – Pandora Colin
Assistant Matron – Alex Cartañá
Earwig – Taylor Paige Henderson
Mr. Jenkins – JB Blanc
Custard – Logan Hannan
Phyllis – Summer Jenkins
Sally – Vivienne Rutherford
Cook – Tom Bromhead
Assistant Cook – Eva Kaminsky
Bella Yaga – Vanessa Marshall
The Mandrake – Richard E. Grant
Thomas – Dan Stevens
Additional Voices
JB Blanc
Tom Bromhead
Alex Cartañá
Pandora Colin
Summer Jenkins
Eva Kaminsky
Vivienne Rutherford
Theme Song “Don’t Disturb Me”
Japanese Version Performed by Sherina Munaf
English Version Performed by Kacey Musgraves
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