Below is a first-look at the new Nickelodeon animated series The Adventures of Kid Danger. The half-hour animated series, based on characters from Nick’s live action series Henry Danger, follows the heroic Kid Danger and Captain Man as they embark on brave new adventures—battling bizarre criminals and super villains with their sharp wit and amazing crime-fighting skills. The series will debut early 2018.
The 10-episode series, created and executive produced by hitmaker Dan Schneider (Henry Danger, Game Shakers, iCarly), will reveal brand-new areas of the superheroes’ headquarters for the first time, including the Man Cave tube system, which propels the crime fighters into adventure; and the Man Cave garage, filled with crime-fighting vehicles and gadgets used on missions.
The original Henry Danger live-action cast will continue their roles, now as voice talent, on the new animated show: Jace Norman as “Henry Hart/Kid Danger;” Cooper Barnes as “Ray/Captain Man;” Riele Downs as “Charlotte;” Sean Ryan Fox as “Jasper;” Ella Anderson as “Piper Hart;” Michael D. Cohen as “Schwoz;” and Jeffrey Nicholas Brown as “Mr. Hart.”
The Adventures of Kid Danger first found life as a Nickelodeon short-form digital series, also created by Schneider, which debuted July 2015. The series is produced by Powerhouse Animation, which also produced the short-form series.
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