DreamWorks Animation today announced the streamlining of executive leadership within its TV division under Teri Weiss, Executive Vice President of Development, and Kelly Kulchak, Executive Vice President of Current Programming. The announcement was made by Peter Gal, Chief Creative Officer, TV.
“As we continue to push boundaries in animation and challenge ourselves to pursue innovative ideas and find new audiences, I am excited to align our development and current programming teams under the expertise and guidance of Teri and Kelly,” said Gal. “These two are tremendous storytellers and I look forward to seeing them lead our talented team into new territory for DreamWorks Animation Television.”
Prior to these appointments, preschool series and kids and family programming were divided as separate development and current departments, with Weiss previously serving as EVP of Preschool Development and Current Series and Kulchak was EVP of Current Programming for kids series. With these new appointments, the television studio has now streamlined its development and current series oversight, with all development being led by Weiss and all current series being run by Kulchak, reporting into Gal.
Additional news in the division includes Ben Cawood’s promotion to SVP, TV Development, David Wiebe to SVP, Current Programming, Ania O’Hare to SVP, TV Casting and Talent Relations, and Alexandra Nickson to SVP, TV Music.
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