Toei Animation, renowned for producing several anime classics like Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and One Piece, is developing a new original series titled “Girls Band Cry,” which Crunchyroll recently acquired. It’s been confirmed that Crunchyroll will release the series to their streaming service on November 6, 2024, with all 13 episodes made immediately available at launch. The series will be available to stream around the world, which includes English-speaking territories, LATAM, Europe, Southeast Asia, as well as the Indian subcontinent. Crunchyroll offers multiple viewing options for the series, with 9 different languages and subtitles to choose from.
Girls Band Cry Synopsis
Nina Iseri, a high school dropout, has struggled to fit in within her hometown at the countryside and heads out to Tokyo for a fresh start. While having a rough first day in the city, Nina’s luck soon turns around as she meets her guitarist idol, Momoka Kawaragi. After performing together on the street, the two decide to officially start a band and recruit three other girls. The newly formed girl band faces different challenges both in the music industry and amongst themselves, but their shared love for music keeps them going after their dreams.
About Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll is a leading brand in the anime industry that drives the passion for anime among fans worldwide. Committed to making anime an even bigger pop culture phenomenon around the world, Crunchyroll provides fans with multiple immersive experiences such as events, theatrical releases, original games, anime news, merchandise, and more. Through Crunchyroll’s streaming service, anime is accessible to stream whether at home or on the go, available on nearly all devices.
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