Netflix new animated series, Legend Quest, features some fantastic animation by Mexico’s Anima Estudios. Check out the long version of the opening titles (embed below) directed by Juan M. Urbina, produced at his independent studio in Colombia, commissioned by Anima. Although this intro has two cuts – if you are an animation geek, you must watch the longer, director’s cut below.
This version gives the audience enough time and hints to catch each character’s personality, with beautiful character title cards inspired on the style of posters from the classic Mexican cinema of the 50’s. The opening credits and theme song really capture the mystery-adventure spirit that series Director Jose Alejandro García wanted.
The show was created by Jim Krieg (What’s New Scooby-Doo, Ben-10, Spooksville) and Jose Carlos García de Letona and it was produced by his studio Anima Estudios, the biggest animation house in Latin America – responsible for titles such as Top Cat the Movie and Kung Fu Magoo. Juan M. Urbina’s studio also oversaw the character design of the show and produced the “Legend Sequences” that appear on each episode explaining a key fact of the story that helps to understand its context.
“We truly believe that Latin America has everything to stand out in the animation industry”, says Juan M. Urbina (Art Director, Intro, Sequences). “We are unique and so must be our stories. Anima Studios’ Legend Quest is the best example of that.”
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