This month marks Disney Television Animation’s 35th Anniversary, the studio that created pop culture phenomena beloved by multiple generations, including, among others “DuckTales,” “TaleSpin,” “Recess,” “Kim Possible,” “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,” “Phineas and Ferb” and “Gravity Falls.” Below is a celebratory video that the studio released today, highlighting some of the studio’s talented creatives, crew and executives presently involved.
I was delighted to work for this department way way back in 1997-98. My job then was to re-develop company I.P. for a new generation. None of my projects (including a reboot of Mr. Toad, and animated series based on Merlin Jones and Mars and Beyond) went further than my office – but I did contribute, slightly, to Mickey Mouseworks (later House of Mouse) and other special projects – including the launch of the Toon Disney channel.
Since then, I’ve kept my eyes on the department, watched them grow and cheered them on from afar. It’s with great pride that I congratulate the folks at Disney TV today on their anniversary. Continue doing and maintaining the quality – to infinity and beyond!.
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